The Power of Presence

6 09 2010

A few months ago, to gain some insight into how to love refugees effectively, I met with a woman who has worked with refugees seven years.  One of the most insightful things she said: “Don’t underestimate the ministry of presence.”  Meaning: By just being with someone, you are able to offer something. This was a good reminder as I often get caught up in trying to fix things for people and forget to be present in the moment with them (whether that moment is joyful or painful).

Over this last month as I have met refugees and people who help them, I have struggled with just being in the moment.  I already see all of these needs and am tempted to just jump in and try to meet them without much thought or prayer.  I forgot about the power of being present with someone, whether they are happy or sad or excited or fearful.  This is what will make me able to help them…being with them.

Today as I was thinking about this idea of presence, I realized that that’s what God offers to us.  He is always present with us.  In each moment whether we are happy or sad or excited or scared,  He is there in that exact place with us.  He doesn’t always “fix” our situation, but he always endures with us, rejoices with us, and stays with us.  Do we realize what a gift this is?  Our Father isn’t distracted by a to-do list.  He’s not too busy planning a strategy to most effectively help us that He can’t be with us.  And it’s just that, His presence, that is so powerful.



2 responses

13 09 2010

Great perspective Jeri! I like thinking about that in the context of God’s relationship with us; I had never put those two together. Thank you. Another plus to simply being with someone (focusing on being present) is that it allows greater opportunity or likelihood of relationship existing once the needs (whatever those might be) have been met. It allows for something in relationship that is deeper and more abiding than just being the person who meets their physical needs. Perhaps some of their greatest and deepest need might be presence…much like our need in relationship to God.

20 09 2010
Dena Dyer

How exciting that God has put refugees on your heart, and given you the place to minister to them!

I recently moved to be near family, and found a job with a refugee resettlement agency in Amarillo, Texas. It’s a big resettlement community, something I wasn’t aware of at all–in fact, I grew up in this area but over the last two decades since I graduated from high school the panhandle of Texas has become much more diverse and multi-cultural.

There is a huge learning curve to working with refugees, but already God has shown me how much I take for granted and how blessed (and spoiled!) I am.

God will richly bless your life for your obedience, I’m sure. And I look forward to reading about your adventures.

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